You may think that it is not possible to get a loan without a job. Bu this is not so now. The new offering in the loan industry provide loans to those people who are without jobs. The payday loan companies help people who require cash immediately when an unplanned expense occurs. To be eligible for a payday loan requires the individual to have a regular job with a regular salary and a valid bank account. Slowing down of the economy has left many people without a job. Many of them who enjoyed the privileges of a payday loan are now wondering about how to get a loan. However payday lenders are now providing loans without job checks and without credit checks. This, therefore, allows many people without jobs to get approved for a loan. To be eligible for such a loan the only requirements are a regular monthly income of at least $1000, a bank account and be of legal age. The income could be from many other sources and not necessarily from your job.