1 hour payday loan offers fast cash loan to people regardless of their credit rating. The cash comes in just one hour's time, which is very useful for people who are trapped in financial crisis. The loan amount gets approved very soon and the cash gets wired to your bank account without any hassles. The same would turn out to be even simpler and effortless, when it is done online. The online application takes hardly few minutes to fill in and the same has to be forwarded to the lender for the loan approval. The loan application is forwarded online, the loan gets approved and the same reaches the lender through internet the processing is done online and at last the cash gets transferred to your bank account electronically. Everything is done online and hence the paper work is reduced to the core. You need not look out for a lender, explain the situation, apply manually for a loan and wait for the cash etc. Everything happens in a flash of a second, and the cash comes very quickly within one hour. great post to read