Payday loan direct lenders are the loan providers that are present on net and approachable by borrowers through various web sites. For applying for loans, you just have to give your details to the lender either through an online application or over a phone call. The lenders check your details provided in applications through automated system within a few minutes. The loans are approved within a very short time without any hassle.

The lenders do not ask for your credit records. You are not needed to give any kind of security for availing these short term loans. The period of these loans vary from 14 days to 30 days. The interest rates on these payday advance cash are usually higher that is, around 30 - 35%. Once your loan is approved, it doesn't take much time to transfer funds into your checking account. If you don't have a checking account, you can ask your lender to deposit money in your saving account. other